
Get in touch with Crans

In order to contact active members of the association, you can chose between both of these solutions:

Mailing lists

You'll find below a list of contact email addresses for your potential questions, these are categorized depending on the topic of your query.

{i} These email addresses are mailing lists, so your email will be sent to every active member on these lists.

It is strongly advised in order to make our work easy and lessen your wait time to chose the best qualified mailing list. Try to formulate your question in the most specific way you're able to.

List of contact mailing lists

It is advised not to contact directly members but always lists, this improves the delay for a convenient answer.

My issue is…

/!\ In any case keep in mind that active members are not paid for their work, they do it on their free time, so be nice.

Getting involved in Crans

If you want to get involved in the association, but don't speak french, contact us directly.


CransWiki: ContactsCrans/EnglishVersion (dernière édition le 2022-03-31 22:51:14 par WikiYnerant)