{fr} En français
Cr@ns wireless connection
Previously based on the IpSec technology (WiFiIpSec), the Cr@ns wifi network, still secured, is now based on WPA2-Entreprise. Frequently Asked Questions are available here
The Cr@ns wifi network covers an important area of the campus, the location of the bases is here.
Connect to the WiFi
We consider that your computer has the suitable wifi hardware. Any equipment compatible with the WPA2-Entreprise technology should be able to get connected to the Cr@ns WiFi network. As the Wifi is a Cr@ns service, only members of the association can use it.
Register your computer
Two possibilities:
Use the intranet to register it.
- Go to the "Kfet" during our voluntary participation hours.
Once you successuflly managed to connect with one pair of credidentials, you cannot use them for another computer. Credidentials are unique for every machine. Please register a device for every machine you want to connect.
Configure your computer
{8} with an Linux (
in french)
{A} with an Mac (
in french)
{~} with Windows XP
with an Android (
in french)
Username and password
- The username is the computer name, choosen during the registration.
The password is the 10 characters wifi key (previously called IPsec key), written with small letters
If necessary, you can find below some settings that you may be asked for:
- Anonymous identity: leave "anonyme"
- Authentication: TTLS
Phase2 Authentication: MsChapV2
Certificate: leave it empty or use the CaCert.org certificate.
It doesn't work !
CransNostalgie/AvantEte2018/WiFi/CaMarchePas (
in french)